How it works
All our design, processes, and programmes are based on and informed by the nniMethodology. At the heart of this methodology lies the nni U-bend: a graphic representation of how we track and guide any system towards transformation. Read more below:
nni Theory of change
nni Methodology
The nni was methdology developed by Jonelle Naude in 2010-2012 spanning theoretical, field, and action research. The original research question asked: “What do citizens think is needed to bring about greater healing, transformation and equality”. The data and analysis suggested: “A process that will enhance understanding, sense of community and active citizenship”. The data further showed the following concepts would be crucial to such a process, which later became the framework for all nni processes: crossing of divides; acknowledge the underlying tensions and truths; stay in relationship as you acknowledge this; identify and acknowledge rank and power discourses; deconstruct rank and power discourse/relations; access the creativity of the system; increase ownership and activism; and experience the dawn of new community.
In developing the specific technology to support this framework many powerful bodies of work and schools of thought were consulted and employed - such as: Social constructivism, phenomenology, feminist theory, process oriented psychology, scenario planning, systems coaching, co-active coaching, civic engagement, open space technology, non-violent communication, theory-U, family constellations, neuropsychology, systems theory, classical and quantum physics - to name a few.
The nni technology was then developed drawing from many of these bodies of practice and thought to create an easy accessible process that takes any system deep enough to move beyond the dichotomy of cognitive thought processes and schemata, into a deconstructed reality where transformation and significant moments/energetic shifts in awareness become possible. These ‘shifts’ are then solidified by co-creating their meaning and translating them into tangible decisions or actions as a first reiteration of the new culture or state of being.
The outcomes you want powered by real transformation
We guide and facilitate you through a systemic journey that incorporates your specific desired outcomes, and simultaneously moves you through a deep transformative process. This allows you to hit your outcomes AND do the deep real work - the only way to bring about real sustainable inclusive change.
We plumb the depths of a system by facilitating its expression from a content (factual) level of communication, to an emotion/energetic level of communication, and still deeper to a level of essence this is a place that allows new understanding beyond the trap of dichotomy.
Simultaneously we guide the dialogue from the typical individual perspective/expression to collective expression by:
● Identifying Systemic Voices
● Illuminating underlying power blocks and stuck energy
● Temporarily suspending the status quo
As the marginalised perspectives and feelings become more empowered the power dynamic is deconstructed and the system recalibrates. It is in these moments that new awareness and insight create new ways of being, behaviours and action to support the chosen new paradigm and emerging culture.
nni u-bend
We called it the U-bend: Yes exactly, like in the u-bend of a basin or toilet. We are the proverbial energetic plumbers of the world: Unblocking your systemic U-bend. We all know that sh!ft has got to flow!
Seriously, too many organisation think a cool vision, values and mission statement will get them there, and that grievances, disengagement, working across cultures, diverse teams, daily and past trauma will take care of itself. It does not.
Below is a graphic representation how we work with any system*.

the research behind the nnidialogue tool.
Although now quite dated, the original research paper behind the nniDialogue tool can be accessed here. Although the nniMethodology and philosophy have developed and chrystalised further over the years, it is important for us to remain connected to our original mission: creating access to deep transformative collective processes towards greater healing, transformation and equality.
the physics behind nni.
increase the fitness of your system.
A system can increase it fitness by increasing structural complexity: adding strengthening bonds between components (deepened communication, trust, understanding, and relationship design); and including the variety of environmental changes it can cope with (internal agility, responsiveness, capacity for adaptation, internal sense of oneness, alignment and resilience). nni helps systems to address and improve its ‘structure complexity’ and ‘variety’ by becoming more internally agile, transparent, healed, robust and resilient.