An nniDialogue is a

temporary system

Laws of physics help us better understand:

How the system behaves

How/the direction energy naturally wants to move

The power of energy shifts in one system and the potential impact on other interconnected systems.

Quantum physics applied to nniSystems

The Observer Effect: Any frame, mirror or articulation we use (showing the system to itself), is only valid temporarily and pretty much already ‘redundant’ by the time it is used. The ‘instrument to observe’ (the facilitator/humans/nniSkill), can only ‘observe’ at a level far inadequate of ever capturing the system’s infinite potential and systemic interconnectedness. We know this, and therefore hold everything as ‘temporary’, ‘tentative’ and ‘not-knowing’ – reflecting it back to the system.

Quantum entanglement is the phenomenon where the states of two or more objects are described with reference to each other, even though the individual objects may be spatially separated: two particles in a single wavefunction that governs both of them (sum of spin=0; each particle in opposite spin). If you measure one, the other one will always show opposite spin direction. Within a system the voices are correlated and become entangled, with each other (I am what I am in relation to what you are). However as soon as the one is observed, and the other is forced to show the opposite state – the entanglement is broken. 

This energetic ‘contract’ can be detangled by allowing the voice to be seen/expressed within the larger system and not ONLY in correlation to the previous entanglement.

Quantum principle of “Non locality”: Sub-atomic particles exist as probabilities until observed. The ‘potential’ of the quantum manifests as 1 state (wave/particle) when it is observed. In our perceived reality this poses 2 problems:

1) when not observed/acknowledged the energy can remain in a state of multiple potentials causing confusion/uncertainty in the system and an inability to design useful contracts with (When this voice is positioned/articulated/allowed to express what is seen and heard shifts from its many fluctuating potentials/confusion/stuck energy creating clarity and safety in the system).

2) Within society, Voices/groups/entities are observed by Other all the time – and become locked into state/reality/position (often without awareness or consent – think social constructs). This initial observation becomes deconstructed when a ‘new voice’ is positioned, or when an ‘old voice’ is positioned and heard anew.

In other words, in the level of Energy/E-motion – things have an opportunity to dip back into its ‘state of potential’ and manifest/observed in a different state than before. We say the system becomes more at choice as to how it want to manifest. 

Holographic universe: A universe in which the large and the small units of matter/energy are the same and that the smallest piece also contains all. Every dialogue is representing a bigger part of the universe than those psychically present in the ‘r/zoom’ (this can include all energy states, spirit, intergenerational memory, etc.).

Classical physics applied to nniSystems.


We particularly like using the laws of Thermodynamics (see 2nd) that explains: How an isolated systems spontaneously move towards equilibrium and that there is a natural direction of travel in its process that is not reversable (due to entropy). In our nni language: this explains the innate ability of the system to ‘self-correct and move towards a new equilibrium. This is enabled by deconstructing the current boundaries aka social constructs - by suspending social constructs we suspend those initial boundaries (constructs/defined meaning/script/scheme/narrative/entangled state) and molecules/energy is free to move and occupy and find equilibrium in the ‘new space’.

Entropy – Qualitatively, entropy is simply a measure how much the energy of atoms and molecules become more spread out in a process and can be defined in terms of statistical probabilities of a system or in terms of the other thermodynamic quantities (Statistical Entropy - Chemistry

In other words, it is the tendency of a closed system to create a new equilibrium as soon as there is a change in its state/size/nature, resulting in amount of ‘unavailable’ possibility once such ‘movement/transfer’ occurs. 

Entropy is often described as the innate tendency to move from ‘order’ to ‘chaos’. This description can be very deceiving. Although the resulting E from the transfer could be described as more disordered (ieheat E) vs the potential E (ordered), its practical understanding points more moving from pockets of separation/boundaried towards spreading out evenly and occupying greater space, towards greater equilibrium, as old boundaries weaken.

As such, entropy as such can be seen as the reverse of potential energy. The more potential E is utilisedand/or transferred, the more PE : Entropy

Direction of travel: from hot to cold.

Reminder: Total Energy = Kinetic Energy (KE) + Potential Energy (PE))

We can deduce the following in nni terms:

Heat as a transfer of Energy, will flow from the hotter object/area to the colder object/area. This means that the hotter object will cool down and the colder object will warm up. The energy transfer will continue until both objects are at the same temperature. Because it is never a fully closed system but a semi-open system, this will never be an absolute or finite transfer, but create the momentum for energy flow where it was stuck. 

This also explains why it is sometimes easier to start with a voice that has more heat energy: i.e. molecules are moving faster, and have the momentum and direction for the E to flow towards the colder area (it has KE>PE). Therefore, it is easier for that voice, in nni language, to cross an edge, express and transfer energy to other ‘colder’ voices. 

The ‘colder’ voice might need that energy before it can cross its own edge (with slower moving molecules, PE>KE) in order to express/release. But remember there is a lot of PE ready to convert in that voice, so don’t be fooled by the cool ;)