Governments and Multilaterals
NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL institutions are in need of transformation & collaboration
Don’t be a dinosaur, be a unicorn.
We operate and implement transformation processes in high security environments. These environments are often mistakenly ring fenced from true culture transformation due to its high security and specialist context. Unfortunately (and paradoxically) this creates a dangerous stagnation in ideology and corporate culture which in turn perpetuates many of the atrocities these important organisations aim to address.
It all begins with a dialogue.
Realising the innate capacity, efficiency , and wisdom of a human system takes courage and commitment to dive below the surface and access the unspoken and unheard material that actually drives the direction, day-to-day lived experience and impact of the organization. We will hep you create a dialogue culture where inclusively and diversity become unparalleled strengths that align and leverage the capacity of the whole organisation and it’s impact.
Shift the sh!t Shift the system.
For true collaboration and ability to address the different crisis of our time, organisations / nation states / international entities and their leadership need to update their operational code and move beyond typical neoclassical realism that is still embedded in most domestic and foreign policy making. It s time to wake u p and adhere to what our people ad planet need - TODAY. We will help you shift.
Read more about our typical processes and ways of working here. Please note we are used to working in highly confidential and high risks contexts, and will create the transformation journey that best suits your context.